【Website renewal】We have created an English page!

We renewed the Japanese version of our website in February of this year,
and we have also renewed the English version!!!
(When I asked AI to write English, he wrote Enghis lol)

When an English page is supported, there is an “English” or “Japanese” button in the upper right corner inside the page.
Please check it!
The following 6 pages are now compatible with the English version.
There are links to other pages.
≪ Products ≫
S-CMC, S-DBC, Fuel Cell Separators, Bipolar Plates for Redox Flow Battery
≪ Technologies ≫
Full text
≪ Corporate Information ≫
Full text
Facilities, contact information, employment information, etc. are only available in Japanese.
If you want to translate them into English, please use the translation function.
Google Translate is good enough!
Recently, Google’s translation function can easily convert Japanese pages into English,
but we dared to create English pages.
The main reason for this is that we want to convey our thoughts and feelings to our customers around the world, rather than using automatically translated text.
Impacting the world!
The content of our website will not be in English if it is not translated.
In other words, there will be no English version of our website on the Web if only Japanese pages are available. This means that our products will not be found in Internet searches.
We do not have a sales approach.
We listen to and solve our customers’ problems, and have expanded our name recognition in the industry only by word of mouth.
Today, 80% of our customers are companies outside of Japan.
We have renewed the English version of our website with all our hearts so that our future customers can find our website.
We are always manufacturing with a customer-first spirit.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
Contact us
Pacific Composite Materials
Email: oshima@fj-composite.com
(Click here for the introduction page on our website)
Inquiries to Head Office/Japan
Dedicated page URL